About Me

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My full name is Rebecca Wright, i'm going to ukraine for five months with ilp to teach kids english. We teach kids for about 3-4 hours a day and then get to travel for the rest of the time:) Here is my blog to keep you all informed of what i am doing and the places i am seeing:) be jealous.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Well i have been here officially one week:) exciting. Me and Lisa celebrate every Thursday:) 19 weeks left. haha yes, left. It has been a crazy roller coaster here, but quite exciting. I love it more and more each day. My host family is awesome, they don't speak very good English but they can understand it well. It is the mom (tawnia), sister(tawnia) and son (George). George is awesome he is 9 years old and does everything a 9 year old would do. He loves Star Wars (just as much as someone else i know:)) He is so much fun. He found out quite fast that I am very jumpy.. He just finds it hilarious, I do not. He hides everywhere and I mean everywhere. I share with him my american candy and he shares his Ukraine candy with me.. we get a long well:) George also goes to the school where I teach at which has gotten really fun. I still don't know what i am doing but hey whatever haha. Walking to school, I almost get hit by a car at least once a day oh and the bus rarely comes. So I do a ton of walking. My legs feel like jello. ALL THE TIME. So when the bus doesn't come you can take a smaller bus but it cost 2,50. which is like 30 cents, but when that bus never shows we just walk which is what we did today.. in 5 degree weather. yes. 5 DEGREES (I'm not exaggerating) . I will now never complain about Utah weather. In Utah it snows then the sun comes out and it is gone. No not here. The sun comes out and the temperature is still 5 degrees. They say it is going to get colder.. if a Ukrainian tells you it is going to get colder you listen. So bring on the layers. I am now actually starting to understand the metro.. yes I know I told some of you I never would but it actually makes sense. We went to the super market today.. one thing know I will miss is the look on peoples face when they try to speak to me (and I'm sure the look on my face they will miss) and all I can say is uhh English? and the enlightenment on their face like OHH! makes sense.  This time change I'm actually getting used to and my sleeping schedule is finally normal. I do hate getting on the internet and all of you are asleep because it is 4 in the morning. WAKE UP UTAHNS:)  Anyways miss all of you very much and thanks for caring:)

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